Author: Jessie L. Moore

  • Things I Learned During My Sabbatical (In Progress)

    I still have a few weeks of sabbatical left, but recently, I’ve been reflecting on my sabbatical experience. Here are a few things I’ve learned: Everyone has their own vision of a sabbatical. I’ve had to learn not to react when people voice frustration that my approach to a sabbatical doesn’t match how they would…

  • A Reminder about Rubrics

    Chris M. Anson, Deanna P. Dannels, Pamela Flash, and Amy L. Housley Gaffney offer a great reminder about rubrics in their new article: Anson, C. M., Dannels, D. P., Flash, P., & Housley Gaffney, A. L. (2012). Big rubrics and weird genres: The futility of using generic assessment tools across diverse instructional contexts. The Journal…

  • Prioritizing my Writing

    I’ll be writing less in this space for a few months while I’m on sabbatical and prioritizing work on my research project (a comprehensive mapping of the field of second language writing)… Watch the twitter feed for strategies and relevant articles; I’ll continue to post under @writing_faculty when I come across helpful resources or articles.