Author: Jessie L. Moore

  • New Year, New Goal

    Each January (and truth be told, each August, given the ebbs and flows of the academic calendar), I reassess my professional projects and writing goals. Looking at Writing Faculty, it’s obvious that this site didn’t get any of my attention over the past year. With settling into a new academic position, chairing two conferences, and…

  • Writers Write

    If writing isn’t part of your daily habits, it might be tempting to discount the merits of regular writing. Who has the time to write every day? How can writers accomplish anything if they only have 30 or 60 minutes to write? Don’t you need big chunks of time to be most effective? Many effective…

  • Establishing Accountability for Writing Goals

    At the end of last week’s Faculty Writing Residency, several participants noted that they have trouble making time for writing. The Residency gave them “permission” to block time to write, and they felt empowered to tell people they couldn’t schedule other meetings for the Residency week because they’d already committed to the four-day writing retreat.…